Oftentimes, I have a particular word or phrase in the Scriptures that really sticks out to me. During the past two years, the word "Paraclete" and the phrase "it is finished" have been my favorites. Recently, however, the word "magnify" has been very special to me. As Christmas is approaching and many of my readers have been spending time studying The Magnificat, I was inspired to write about this lovely word. Psalm 34:3 "Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together." [1] (Emphasis mine). The word used for "magnify" in the Hebrew is transliterated "gadal". Davidson defines the Piel verb form as, "to make great; to cause to grow; to make powerful". The Hebrew language has many definitions for "gadal", but this particular verse uses the definition that corresponds with the Greek word used in Luke 1:46. Luke 1:46 "And Mary said: My soul magnifies the Lord....