Sometime around the end of June, it is easy for me to start thinking about America and patriotism. Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays, and what isn't to love about it? Red, white, and blue (some of the best colors), fireworks, celebrations with family and friends, and oftentimes, delicious food. But amid the preparations for all of the fun and beauty that comes with this holiday, I remember that many of the original reasons for the celebration of July 4th have been set aside, abandoned in the minds and actions of the American people. This past Sunday, I was able to sing several "patriotic hymns" at a nursing home, and immediately afterward I attended the funeral of a World War II Veteran. I could not help but wonder what these older men and women think and feel during this time, as they watch the people of their beloved nation proverbially spit on all of their sacrifices, blood, hard work, and tears? ...