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Showing posts from August, 2018

"Love is Still the Answer"

        Music is one of my absolute favorite things. I have a tendency to listen to music almost all day, and you can usually find me singing along to "my songs". On occasion, however, I get stuck in a rut listening to the same artists or songs all the time, so I try to branch out and find music I have never listened to. Saturday was one of these occasions. As I was driving through the fantastic state of Nebraska, I happened upon a song called "Love is Still the Answer" by Jason Mraz. It is a catchy song, and though I was skeptical of what the conclusion of a secular song with such a title would be, I decided to listen through to the end. And I am glad that I did, because it made me think the way few songs do.        This song is one which shows the mindset of the world very clearly. The verses of the song ask questions many are asking:   Verse 1: The question is why, why are we here? To say our hello's and goodbye's and then disappear? T...

To Introduce Myself

       Many of my readers already know who I am, and those who do not may not be interested, so  I will not go into great detail about what my life has been like up to this point . Besides, if I shared everything about myself at the very first, who would care to return in the future and read on? And what stories would be left to tell later, whether here or in person, over a delicious piece of pie and a cup of coffee?        Years pass and seasons change, so they say, and I can testify to the truth of that. My school days are past, college is finished, and everything has slowed down to the monotony of an everyday life that may not drastically change for quite some time.        Some days it seems as though nothing will ever be different than it is now, and that is a daunting thought. I sometimes feel that I will never have anything else to move on to, and no one else to meet. But then I remember how many things have...