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Showing posts from April, 2019

The Lamb Our Shepherd

       "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." [1] This is the first verse of what is perhaps the most well-known Psalm; Psalm 23. Like many believers, I read at least one Psalm every day along with my other Bible reading. As I studied this Psalm a few days ago, a few connections were made in my mind that I had never thought of before.        "The Lord is my shepherd..." This implies that the writer of the Psalm was a sheep. This seems a bit unusual, doesn't it? For a human being to call himself a sheep? Another familiar verse, Isaiah 53:6, says, "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one, to his own way. . ." The natural question which this verse produces is, in what ways are we like sheep?        I have spent some time observing sheep on a friend's farm, and it is pretty easy to see why the Lord would compare us to sheep. Though I will not claim to know much about sheep, I have noticed that they ar...

Chicken Salad Recipe

       For awhile now, I have considered sharing some of my recipes on my blog. I really enjoy cooking (and sometimes baking) without a recipe, and come up with some fancy dishes at times. I usually keep my recipes top-secret, and hardly ever even let my family in on all the ingredients I use. But I thought that some of my readers might enjoy trying my favorite recipes, so here you go! Top-secret (or, not so top-secret) recipe #1: Chicken salad.  *Disclaimer: the lighting in my kitchen is not at all wonderful, so the pictures are not going to be the most professional you have ever seen.        Start with 1 1/2 lbs. boneless, skinless chicken breast. (Any boneless chicken will do, but chicken breast meat is my personal favorite).  Cut the chicken up into 1-2" pieces, transfer it to a frying pan, and put the frying pan on the stove. Turn the heat to medium-high. Drizzle 1 Ts. olive oil over the chicken; add 1/4 tsp. each of thyme,...